=== Chapter 15 Dancer in the Ruins === (Northern Fortress) Victorious at Solm Palace, the party seeks the Ring of the Crux of Fate at the Northern Fortress. --- OP --- PP [Seadall] My new moves are coming together nicely. Just a bit more practice and I'll call it a day. And this spot...it's perfect for rehearsal. So quiet and empty. Hm? Raaargh... [Seadall] Ah! Wh-what is that?! Raaargh! [Seadall] No good. I'm trapped here. Is it my fate to die like this? It's such a pity to be caught so unprepared. I'd have practiced combat as well as dance. [Corrin] Hurry! You must get to safety, now! [Seadall] Who said that? [Corrin] Oh, thank goodness. You can hear what I'm saying, can't you? Follow the sound of my voice. [Corrin] You can hide in here! There's a door to your right! Now go─hurry! [Seadall] I'm coming! [Alear] Is the Northern Fortress that frightening? [Timerra] Yup. My ancestors designed it that way. Didn't want people to go poking around. The locals won't get near the place. They say ghosts wander the ruins. A haunted castle! Lately, some have heard a young woman's voice calling out from inside... [Alear] ... [Timerra] Relax! That's just the local lore. [Alear] Then why did you make it sound so real?! [Timerra] Sorry, sorry. I shouldn't be talking─I've never even been there. Mom always told me to stay away so nobody would figure out the ring's location. There it is now. The Northern Fortress. [Alear] Hm. For an abandoned fortress, it's awfully noisy... [Timerra] Wait a sec... The Corrupted! They've gotten in! [Alear] Let's go. We can't let them get the ring. [Alear] Oh no... [Timerra] Yeah, this place is swarming. Guess it is a little haunted, huh? Hang on. Divine One, look! There's someone here! [Seadall] They have us well and truly surrounded─again. Still, safer inside than out in the open. Thank you, ring. [Corrin] [Corrin] I was telling you to hide, not come looking for me. [Seadall] How could I stay away? A talking ring! You really set off those creatures as well. [Seadall] Relax I take it you're a princess, trapped in this unusual form by a wicked curse. Let me help. [Corrin] Actually, I'm─ [Seadall] No need to persuade me, Your Highness. I'm not one to doubt an unusual story. O spirit of the cards! Cast your light upon the path before us... [Corrin] You're a fortune-teller, hm? What are your cards saying to you? [Seadall] Le Dragon... It means help may come from an unexpected source. I suppose we'll just have to hold off the beasts until it arrives. [Timerra] That guy's not here to steal the ring. I think he's trying to protect it. [Alear] He's clearly no friend of the Corrupted. Let's give him a hand. It looks like he could use one. --- ED --- [Alear] All right. We're safe. [Timerra] Hang on. Someone's at the entrance. [Alear] Don't tell me. More of the Corrupted? [Veyle] Is everyone OK? I saw all those monsters coming in and got worried. [Alear] Veyle?! [Veyle] Oh my! We meet again, . Did you defeat the monsters? [Alear] ... Yes, we did. Every last one. [Veyle] I'm glad. How have you been? I was surprised to see you out in that blizzard. I hope you found the cathedral. [Alear] Whatever game you're playing, stop it. [Veyle] Huh? Are you mad about something? [Alear] Don't act like you forgot. I can see through your lies now. [Veyle] Lies? What do you mean? I promise you, , I'm not─ [Alfred] Not a step closer! You stay where you are, Fell Princess. [Veyle] How did you know?! [Timerra] [Diamant] Just looking at you, I feel again the shame of losing Father... [Alfred] [Ivy] You took my country from me─my father. What more do you want? [Alear] The people you killed...they had families. But you don't care, do you? All that pain... You don't even give it a second thought. [Veyle] Wait a moment. I... I killed people? Who? [Alear] Drop the act! You know what you did! How dare you show your face here. You murdered my mother and stole the rings. [Veyle] I didn't. I didn't. Please believe me... [Alear] Believe you? Like I believed we were friends? I won't make that mistake again. [Veyle] ... [Veyle] [Ivy] [Alfred] We've got to do something! [Alear] Let her go. It's probably a trap. [Alfred] You're right. [Diamant] [Timerra] Divine One, are you all right? [Alear] I'm fine. But the next time I see Veyle, I swear... [Veyle] ... I killed people? Stole rings? Why would I do that? I don't understand! [Griss] Lady Veyle! I finally caught up with you. [Veyle] Oh, Griss. It's you. [Griss] You're a hard girl to find. Why'd you disappear? Had me all freaked out. [Veyle] Papa told you to drag me back home, right? [Griss] Told me to... Huh? Oh, I see what's going on here. You're the other one. [Veyle] I'm not going back, no matter what you say. Papa will just make me do something cruel. When he awoke, I thought we could finally spend time together. But no. Always telling me to kill the Divine Dragon or attack so-and-so's castle. Well, I don't want to! I'm not an evil person. Despite what all those people said. Even the Divine Dragon was angry with me. And I thought we were friends... [Griss] The Divine Dragon said you were friends? Wait─you met the Divine Dragon?! [Veyle] Mm-hmm. [Griss] Oh, that's...complicated. Look, whatever those people told you, it's not true. They were imagining things. [Veyle] You think so? [Griss] Of course. How could you have done something bad and then forgotten it? [Veyle] Right... Right! I couldn't have! If only I'd said that before, maybe there wouldn't be this awful misunderstanding. [Griss] You wanna try and speak with 'em again? Set things straight? [Veyle] I do, but... Weren't you going to bring me back? [Griss] If this is what you want, I'll help out. Nothing if not loyal, that's me. [Veyle] All right... Thank you, Griss. It seems I misjudged you. [Griss] It's settled, then. Let's head to Firene. [Veyle] Firene? Why there? [Griss] 'Cause that's where the Divine Dragon is going. [Veyle] How do you know that? [Griss] Come on, we're on a schedule here! Gotta head for the port and set sail. Do you wanna patch things up or don't you? [Veyle] I do. I do! You're right─no time to waste! [Veyle] [Griss] Heh, this oughta be real interesting. --- EV --- [Alear] You there! Are you hurt? [Seadall] Who are you?! [Alear] Don't worry─I'm not your enemy. I'm the Divine Dragon . [Seadall] The Divine Dragon, you say... What do you know? My cards spoke true. Unexpected source indeed. Thank you. I am Seadall, a traveling dancer. n0Tex Event ItemPicture 106picture item fade in normal I was out there rehearsing, and those creatures appeared. A talking ring called me to safety. [Alear] A talking ring, hm? [Seadall] Yes. I believe it's a young princess who fell victim to some sort of curse. Isn't that awful? >8picture item fade out normal [Alear] Not a curse, exactly. [Seadall] You know her story, then? Tell me, who is this mysterious ring woman? [Alear] Hand it to me, and we'll find out together. [Seadall] All right. [Alear] \,Tex Event Effect White(picture fade in slow Bare your fangs, Emblem of Fates! 촁 [Corrin] I am Emblem Corrin. I'll fight with all I have. Thank you for finding me. I'll help ensure the path you decide to walk is the right one. [Alear] Thank you, Emblem Corrin. I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long. [Corrin] [Seadall] An Emblem, really? One of the godlike figures of legend... [Alear] Seadall, would you fight by Corrin's side? We could use your help getting out of here. [Seadall] It would be my pleasure. This world... Wonders upon wonders. [Alear] Huh? Did those doors just... [Alear] We won't be able to escape the way we came in. Let's try that path over there. [Seadall] Divine One, as a dancer, I can raise your allies' spirits with my graceful movements. Please, call upon my abilities as you see fit. [Seadall] I was in such a rush earlier, I didn't notice the miasma all over the place. [Corrin] The creatures must have brought it with them─ it certainly wasn't here before. Use my power to dispel the miasma and open a path for your allies. [Seadall] Relax [Seadall] Our paths diverge for a moment. Divine One, Emblem Corrin... Thank you. [Alfred] More?! Divine One, we can't keep this up. Time to make our escape. --- MOVIE --- --- BT --- --- DIE --- [Seadall] So this was the fates' intention after all. Please... Protect Emblem Corrin...