=== Chloé & Seadall === --- C --- [Seadall] Spirit of the cards, cast your divine light so that I may see the correct path forward! [Seadall] HAAA! [Chloé] Seadall! I heard you shouting. What's going on? [Seadall] Oh, Chloé. I'm in the middle of a very important reading. [Chloé] You yell when you're reading? [Seadall] Look at this. [Seadall] Right here, before me...meat sizzling on the fire, dripping and juicy. Oh, how tempting. [Seadall] But my dancing will be less than disciplined if I let my passion for savory flavors rule me. [Seadall] My body is my instrument. I must be vigilant. So, here I sit, consulting the cards. [Chloé] Hah, sounds like fun. [Chloé] Well? What did the cards tell you? [Seadall] As much as it pains me to say, it appears I'm not destined to eat this meat. [Chloé] More for me, then! [Seadall] Moon and stars! I thought you'd protest at least a little bit. [Seadall] Oh well, go ahead. Though must you enjoy it so much? [Chloé] Thanks for the meal, Seadall. Next time, it'll be my treat! [Seadall] If you say so. Sounds...delicious. --- B --- [Chloé] Well, Seadall? What do you think? [Seadall] Is this supposed to be...food? [Chloé] Of course it is. [Seadall] What exactly am I looking at? What are the ingredients? How was it prepared? [Chloé] It's eggs cooked in sugar. [Seadall] Eggs...from what? [Chloé] From a rare fish caught in Firene's waters, for the most part. [Seadall] "For the most part"?! What kind of eggs are in here? [Chloé] The delicious kind, of course. You've got nothing to worry about. [Seadall] Oh, I'm worried all right. [Seadall] But...you went to all this effort to bring food to me. It would be rude not to give it a try. [Seadall] Ugh, the look...the smell...it's ruining my appetite... [Chloé] Folk food isn't for everyone. [Seadall] I'm sorry, Chloé. I don't think it's for me. [Chloé] What a shame. This kind of thing might have bold flavors that won't trip up your footwork. [Seadall] What?! [Seadall] You found a dish...that's flavorful yet won't distract my dancing? [Seadall] I spoke too soon. I will eat your folk food. [Chloé] That's great! Go ahead and dig in. [Seadall] Here we go... [Seadall] ... [Chloé] Still can't stomach it, huh? [Seadall] No, it's...actually quite tasty. Bitter and sweet, but I like that about it. [Chloé] Really? What a relief. The flavor's so strong that I was worried you couldn't keep it down. [Seadall] You wouldn't believe what I ate when I traveled with the caravan. I have a strong stomach. [Seadall] Maybe sometime you could teach me more about these kinds of dishes. [Chloé] I'd be happy to. And Seadall? Thanks for giving it an honest try. --- A --- [Seadall] And a one, two, three, four... [Chloé] I never get tired of watching you dance. [Seadall] Checking up on me, Chloé? I'd have set up a front-row seat if I'd known you were watching. [Chloé] Well, I didn't want to interrupt your practice. [Chloé] But I brought some new folk food for you to try: honey-glazed gecko! It's good for you, I swear. [Seadall] It looks...appetizing, as always. But thank you. [Seadall] The flavors are good. Unusual, no doubt, but I love the sweetness. [Chloé] Aha! Just as I thought. [Chloé] I've brought you enough folk food to figure out the secret─you'll eat anything if it's sweet! [Seadall] I'm not sure about that... [Chloé] You know, you really are a wonderful dancer. Very graceful, but with such power. [Chloé] Did someone teach you? [Seadall] Yes. I have a master─the teacher in the caravan. He taught me to dance. [Seadall] I guess I should say that I "had" a master. [Chloé] Does that mean... [Seadall] He died during a raid on the caravan. He was protecting me. [Chloé] Oh no... [Seadall] I never got a chance to repay my debt to him. It's the only fate I couldn't foresee. [Chloé] But your master's dancing lives on in you, doesn't it? [Seadall] I hope so. But I have a long way to go before I achieve his level of skill. [Seadall] Still, I do my best to mesmerize my audience through the sublime art of dance. [Chloé] I have no doubt you've done that. [Seadall] Hm-hm. Thank you, Chloé. [Seadall] And now that I've eaten, it's time to dance. [Seadall] I was going to give you a special performance as a thank-you, but how about we dance together? [Chloé] I would love nothing more. --- S ---