=== Clanne & Fogado === --- C --- [Clanne] Prince Fogado, I have a question. [Fogado] Yeah? Go ahead! Lay it on me. [Clanne] What do you eat for breakfast? [Fogado] Huh. Somehow that's not what I expected. [Clanne] Please? I would really like to know. [Fogado] Hm, OK. Usually I eat some tropical fruits. [Clanne] I see, I see. Do you eat them fresh, or prepare them in some way? [Fogado] Clanne, why are you interrogating me about my breakfast choices? [Clanne] Oh, uh... Well...I guess there's really no point in beating around the bush. [Clanne] People treat me like a boy, but you? You're the dictionary definition of a man! [Fogado] Aaah, thanks! I think. [Clanne] You're not much older than me, so...there must be something you're doing that I'm not doing. [Fogado] Hence the question about what I eat for breakfast. [Clanne] Right! If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to follow you for a bit─learn more about you. [Clanne] By studying you up close and personal, maybe I'll learn the secret to manliness! [Fogado] Sure, why not? Sounds kinda fun! [Clanne] Thank you, thank you! I promise you won't even notice I'm here. --- B --- [Clanne] Thanks for letting me shadow you today! [Fogado] It was no trouble at all. Did you gather any, uh, useful data? [Clanne] Tons! I have several pages of notes on the best ways to prepare and eat various tropical fruits. [Fogado] Oh. Uh... OK. Not sure I'd call that useful. [Fogado] Can I take a look at this notebook of yours? [Clanne] Sure! I hope it's not too hard to read. My handwriting gets...sloppy when I'm excited. [Fogado] Let's see here. [Fogado] "Fogado is a man of the people. He's so approachable, you forget he's actually a prince. [Fogado] "He leads the Sentinels with a steady hand... He likes parties...loves gourmet food... [Fogado] "He is good at all sports, except fishing." Hahaha! Tough but fair! [Fogado] Hm, you got me to a T. Guess you don't think I'm anything special anymore, huh? [Clanne] What?! If anything, I'm even more awestruck! You're a man among men! [Clanne] But I didn't learn anything that'll close the gap between us. Feels like it's only getting wider... [Fogado] You really think that? [Fogado] OK, here's an idea. Let's you and me get lunch sometime. [Clanne] Lunch, huh? [Fogado] Yup. I'm gonna let you in on a secret that busts this whole thing wide open. [Clanne] Really? Prince Fogado's secret to manliness, finally revealed... [Clanne] I'll definitely be there. I can't wait! --- A --- [Fogado] Here's your lunch. Extra pickles, just the way you like it. [Clanne] Wow, this looks delicious! [Fogado] Now, for the secret I promised. See, there's this guy I admire. The kind of person I want to be. [Fogado] I'm gonna say what I like about him, and that'll tell you what you need to know. [Clanne] I'm all ears. Please, tell me everything. [Fogado] This guy's a really hard worker. He's always thinking of ways to improve himself. [Fogado] And he never, ever gives up. Exactly the kind of positive attitude that the world needs right now. [Clanne] Huh. He sounds like an inspiring person to be around. [Fogado] Yes, inspiring, exactly. He makes me want to follow in his footsteps─always strive for better. [Clanne] Who is this guy? Is it someone I know? [Fogado] I think so. He's here, writing something in his notebook. [Clanne] You mean he's somewhere nearby? Or... [Clanne] Wait, what? [Fogado] I know you look up to me, but the truth is... I look up you too. Maybe more so. [Clanne] WHAT?! [Fogado] Listen. This stuff about being a boy, being a man, all that? None of it matters. [Fogado] You're better off if you stop worrying about it and do your own thing. [Fogado] And your positive, hardworking attitude? That's a pretty great thing...if you ask me. [Clanne] I... Wow. That's really nice of you. I don't know what to say. [Clanne] I'd better put in double the effort so I don't let you down! [Fogado] Uh-oh. Then I'll be twice as impressed. I think at that point my head might explode. [Clanne] Hmm... I guess this is what they mean by bringing out the best in each other, huh? [Fogado] I'd say so. [Fogado] Come on! Let's have some food. You gotta eat if you want to be a big, strong Clanne. [Clanne] Don't mind if I do! --- S ---