=== Clanne & Framme === --- C --- [Framme] It's about that time, President Clanne. [Clanne] I'm all set, President Framme. [Framme] In that case... I call this meeting of the Divine Dragon Fan Club to order! [Framme] Woooo! [Clanne] Yeaaah! [Framme] Ahem. Our first and only agenda item is how to broaden the fan club's reach. [Framme] President Clanne, you have the floor. [Clanne] I think we should do something splashy to drum up people's excitement. [Framme] Seconded! [Framme] The only question is...what? [Clanne] I have an idea. [Clanne] How about we spread our message by making pamphlets? [Framme] I'm listening. [Clanne] See, everyone's heard of the Divine Dragon. But only a few know the person behind the title. [Clanne] You and me, we could tell the world what the Divine One is really like. [Framme] Yeah... Yeah! I'm picking up what you're putting down! [Framme] Ooo, ooo! How about this─we slap the Divine One's beautiful face on the cover, and title it... [Framme] "The Divine Dragon: Up Close and Personal." Boom! [Framme] Inside, we have an interview with every juicy detail folks could possibly wanna know! [Framme] Favorite foods, favorite weapons, hair-care routine, shoe size. The raw, uncut story! [Clanne] ... [Framme] You don't like it. [Clanne] I love it! That's way less stiff and formal than what I had in mind. [Clanne] Just the sort of brilliant idea I'd expect from you, Madam President! [Framme] I couldn't have gotten there without your suggestion, Mr. President! [Framme] All right, let's get working on this pamphlet so we can hand it out all over town. [Clanne] Uh, wait. All over town? --- B --- [Clanne] There are a lot of people here... [Framme] Uh, yeah. That's kinda the point. [Framme] This is our chance to tell everyone how great the Divine Dragon is. [Clanne] Yeah, but... [Framme] Come on, we both worked so hard on these, we gotta let the people see 'em. [Clanne] Or instead, we could quietly put them down over there and... [Framme] OK, showtime. I'll start us off. [Framme] Listen up, everybody! My brother has a reeeal important announcement to make. [Clanne] Aw... [Framme] Psst, Clanne! That was your cue. [Framme] You're the one who said people would think we're weirdos if we didn't introduce ourselves. [Clanne] I'm just, uh...kinda nervous? [Framme] Everyone's staring at us. This is a real mess. [Framme] Fine. I'll introduce both of us, OK? [Clanne] O-OK... [Framme] All right, then! We are Clanne and Framme, the 33rd Stewards of the Divine Dragon. [Framme] We will answer all your burning questions about the Divine One, with these lovely hand-bound─ [Clanne] Stop! Please stop! This was a bad idea! [Framme] What?! [Clanne] I can't do this. There are too many people. It's embarrassing. [Clanne] They're all gonna think we're weird. Who even cares about the Divine One's shoe size? [Framme] We do. [Clanne] Ugh, I feel like such a wimp. I thought I could be a steward? [Clanne] I'm not even cut out to be in the fan club. Sorry, Framme. [Framme] Clanne, wait! --- A --- [Clanne] Ungh... [Framme] OK, Clanne. Spill it. What are you sulking about? [Clanne] Isn't it obvious? The pamphlets. [Clanne] I can't believe I was too chicken to hand them out. I don't deserve to call myself a fan. [Framme] Clanne, does every fiber of your being course with passion for the Divine One? [Clanne] I mean, yeah. You know that. [Framme] So? There you have it. [Framme] You're a fan, plain and simple. [Clanne] But... But... [Framme] Being a fan isn't about what you do. It's about what you feel. [Framme] If you've got that sweet, dragony passion in your heart, you're a Divine Dragon fan! [Clanne] Huh... [Clanne] Yeah. You're right. You're right! [Clanne] And you know what? I'm gonna try again. I WILL pass out those pamphlets! [Framme] That's the spirit! [Clanne] But first, I think we better make a few changes. [Framme] What, right now? [Clanne] Right now. You said it yourself. Being a fan is about passion. Where's the passion? [Clanne] We should write about our experiences with the Divine One, so our enthusiasm comes across. [Clanne] There aren't enough illustrations either. Let's ask for help from someone who can draw. [Clanne] And the interview needs...more. We didn't even ask if the Divine One prefers red or blue! [Framme] Wow. Look at you, all motivated and stuff. [Framme] That's the hardworking brother I know and love. [Framme] These are gonna be the best pamphlets ever. President Clanne, let's get to work. [Clanne] It would be my honor, President Framme! --- S ---