=== Diamant & Citrinne === --- C --- [Diamant] Hah! Hyah! [Citrinne] There you are, Diamant. I thought I might find you here. [Diamant] Citrinne. I don't remember telling anyone where I was going to be training. [Citrinne] Well, I know this is your preferred escape when something is bothering you. [Diamant] Heh. Can't hide from you. Guess I haven't changed much since I was a kid. [Citrinne] We used to play in these castle gardens all the time, remember? [Citrinne] I would try to play princess, but you always turned it into a game of tag. [Diamant] Of course. Tag makes for good training. [Diamant] So... [Diamant] Is this about that letter from the nobles? [Citrinne] Indeed. They're eager for a response. [Citrinne] I've been sent here to ask you directly about your stance on future military campaigns. [Citrinne] These nobles are acquaintances of my family. As a noble myself, I can't ignore their demands. [Diamant] ... [Citrinne] Diamant, don't send me back empty-handed. I don't have the energy for tag anymore. [Diamant] War is profitable. The nobility is expecting to line their pockets for years to come. [Diamant] I, on the other hand, do not intend to wage any wars during my reign as king. [Citrinne] I'm so glad to hear that. The nobles won't like it, but you can leave them to me. [Diamant] Sorry to make you the messenger. [Citrinne] It's fine. I'll take this over the diplomatic battles you must survive in the royal court any day. --- B --- [Diamant] Citrinne! Thanks again for giving the nobles my answer. It's been nice to have that off my back. [Diamant] Sorry if it was a hassle. [Citrinne] There is no need for royalty to apologize to a simple retainer, Prince Diamant. [Diamant] "Prince" Diamant? You never call me that. Is everything OK? [Citrinne] Everything is fine. Please excuse me, my prince. I have an errand I must attend to... [Diamant] Hold it. Tell me what's going on. [Citrinne] Please, Diamant, I'm in a very awkward position. [Diamant] What do you mean? [Citrinne] It's dangerous for me to be seen speaking so casually with the heir to Brodia's throne. [Diamant] We're cousins. We've known each other our whole lives. Where is this coming from? [Citrinne] The nobles did not care for your response. I must be cautious in my exchanges with you. [Citrinne] Rumors are quickly spreading that my family has been colluding with Brodia's future king. [Diamant] Ah...I see. [Diamant] I placed more of a burden on you than I ever could have imagined, Citrinne. [Citrinne] It's quite all right, Prince Diamant. I─ [Diamant] I shouldn't have asked you to do my job for me. I'm going to clear this up. Right now. [Citrinne] No! You'll only complicate things further. [Diamant] I have no choice. I've been robbed of my cousin and have to get her back. [Citrinne] Ooh... [Citrinne] Very well. I surrender. [Citrinne] I'll resume our usual, casual banter...like making you promise not to kick down any doors. [Diamant] That's more like it. And don't worry. [Citrinne] "Don't worry" is not a promise, Diamant. I need to hear you say it. Do not make things worse! [Diamant] I promise. Trust your cousin, OK? --- A --- [Citrinne] What am I going to do... [Citrinne] Does Diamant even understand how a future king should behave? [Diamant] I heard my name. Did you need me for something, Citrinne? [Citrinne] Oh. No, I was just...talking to myself. Do you need me for something? [Diamant] I just came by to let you know that I sent the nobles a letter. [Citrinne] You did what?! Why? You promised you wouldn't make things worse! [Diamant] Don't panic. I didn't mention you at all. [Diamant] I made it clear that I won't wage any wars, but will prioritize a prosperous future for Brodia. [Citrinne] ... [Diamant] That should put a stop to the rumors, right? No more whispers of collusion. [Citrinne] Yes, I believe that will do it... [Citrinne] I'm sorry you had to resolve this, Diamant. [Diamant] No, I should have sent a reply myself. I'm sorry that I passed my duty on to you. [Citrinne] And I should have been more direct. It was my attempted sweet-talking that led to the rumors. [Citrinne] I hope things settle down soon. [Citrinne] I miss dancing my cares away, and it's starting to feel like I'll never attend another formal ball... [Diamant] That depends on how well I do my job. [Citrinne] You mean how well we do our jobs. [Diamant] You're right. We'll need everyone to work together to bring peace to Brodia. [Diamant] I hope you'll keep pushing me forward, Citrinne. [Citrinne] Of course I will. We are close cousins, after all. Practically siblings. [Diamant] Yes, it has felt that way. I hope that never changes. [Citrinne] Diamant, would you like to play a game of tag? Just like we used to? [Diamant] Are you sure you wouldn't rather play princess? [Citrinne] No, I'm in a rare mood for tag─and this time, you're it! --- S ---