=== Diamant & Timerra === --- C --- [Timerra] ♪Fun, fun, fun for all to see! Gonna sing, sing, sing and go shopping!♪ [Timerra] ♪Can't wait to see all the folks out there... And dance and shake my hair, hair, hair!♪ [Diamant] Hello, Princess Timerra. Sounds like you're having fun. [Timerra] Hehe! What tipped you off? I'm actually headed into town. [Diamant] All by yourself? No guards or escorts? [Timerra] Yeah! Going incognito. Y'know, you're more than welcome to come with. [Diamant] Thank you, but I'll pass. I was about to start my daily training regimen. [Timerra] Aw! That's a shame. [Timerra] ♪Woulda been fun to hang with Princey D... But he's busy training his bo-o-dy!♪ [Diamant] Hmm. [Diamant] I don't mean to meddle in the affairs of other royals, but... [Diamant] If you have time to sing and dance your way through town, you should have time for training. [Timerra] I don't see those things as mutually exclusive. [Timerra] Besides, spending time with real people... It makes me a better princess. [Timerra] Just like training makes you a better prince. See where I'm coming from? [Diamant] I don't think I do. I train to grow stronger so I can better protect my people. [Timerra] Then we're one and the same. I hang out with folks in town so I can protect them. [Timerra] After all, can't keep someone safe if you don't know who they are. [Diamant] I see... [Diamant] That's an interesting perspective. I'll have to think that one over...while I train. --- B --- [Timerra] ♪Hm hm-hm! Hm-hm hm-hmm...♪ [Diamant] Having fun again, Princess Timerra? [Timerra] Yup, tons! Let me guess─you were training? [Diamant] Not today. I'd actually like to join you on your walk through town. I might learn a few things. [Timerra] Ooo, you're going to hang out with me today? Sweet! [Timerra] Come on, then. This looks like a perfect spot for us to kick things off. [Diamant] Here? In this public place? What are we kicking off, exactly? [Timerra] ♪Today's the day I sing for everyone!♪ [Timerra] ♪Come on, Prince Diamant! Now join the fun!♪ [Diamant] M-me?! No, I don't─ Uh, that's not what I... [Timerra] ♪Oh wow, would you look at that! Who knew the big, tough prince was a scaredy-cat?♪ [Diamant] I am the crown prince of Brodia. I am not a scaredy-cat. [Diamant] Let me just, uh... [Diamant] ♪O Brodia, a land of strength and might. Evil men a-aren't allowed there...♪ [Diamant] ♪Oh no, now everyone is staring at me. Princess Timerra, what do I do now...♪ [Timerra] ♪Just keep singing, you goofball!♪ [Diamant] That was much, much more difficult than my usual combat training... [Timerra] Good. So what did you think of doing things my way for a change? [Diamant] This is how you interact with your queendom? And you do this all the time? [Diamant] I will admit...it was nice to feel challenged. Like a breath of fresh air. [Diamant] That said, I'm probably not cut out for your brand of leadership. [Diamant] I feel better suited to serving through physical strength and combat. [Timerra] Makes sense. To each their own, and all that. [Diamant] Thanks for letting me join you, Princess Timerra. I had fun today. [Timerra] I had a good time too. We've both got our own styles, but we make a pretty good team. --- A --- [Timerra] Prince Diamant. Mind if I tag along during your training today? [Diamant] I wouldn't mind, but I'll warn you...my training can get pretty intense. [Timerra] Hey, I can do more than just sing, you know. You'll see. This girl's got stamina! [Diamant] Oh yeah? If that's the case, let's get started. [Diamant] OK! Halfway done. Let's take a breather. [Timerra] Huff... Huff... [Timerra] You weren't...kidding...about this...being tough... [Timerra] I talked a big game, but...I'm feeling pretty burnt out... [Diamant] I'm amazed you've kept up this whole time! Most people bow out much earlier. [Diamant] With that kind of stamina, imagine what a stricter training regimen could do for you. [Timerra] Thanks, but...I'm gonna keep doing things my way, if it's all the same to you. [Timerra] Whew. OK. [Timerra] Hey, between you and me...do you think peace is really possible? [Diamant] Ah. That's a big question...and one I often worry about myself. [Diamant] Ultimately, as leaders, I think it's our duty to believe that peace is possible. [Diamant] If we won't fight to secure that kind of future for our people, who will? [Timerra] You're right. The future is uncertain, but that's all the more reason for us to try. [Timerra] I gotta say, talking with you has given me hope that good things lie ahead. [Diamant] I'm glad. We're both heirs to our respective thrones. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. [Timerra] Thanks. I really appreciate that. [Diamant] All right, break's over. Time to resume training. Think you can keep going? [Timerra] You know what? I just had a great idea! [Timerra] How about we sing the rest of the way?! Could be a fun challenge. [Diamant] Ha! Sounds fun. But, uh...you go first. --- S ---