=== Etie & Lapis === --- C --- [Etie] Hey, Lapis. Got a minute? [Lapis] Sure, Etie. What do you need? [Etie] They tell me you can build whatever you want. Is that true? [Lapis] What? How did you hear that? [Lapis] I mean, I guess it's true. With the right materials, I can make all kinds of stuff. Furniture, toys... [Lapis] I even made some instruments for a local concert once. That was really fun. [Etie] That's amazing. Listen, I need a favor. [Etie] Would you build me a...muscle-training device? [Lapis] Like workout equipment? Wow. I've definitely never built anything like that before. [Etie] For me, bodybuilding is life. [Etie] I've tried lots of training methods, but it's getting harder to achieve my goals on my own. [Lapis] Oh, sure. I hate hitting that plateau where you feel like you're not making any progress. [Etie] Exactly what I'm saying! I knew you'd get it. [Lapis] Which muscles do you want to focus on? [Etie] Hmm. My arms, chest, core, and my back. That's all I'm looking for. [Etie] I'd repay you of course. Anything you want. Think you could do this for me? [Lapis] Yeah! It'll be a challenge, but a fun one. I'll see what I can put together. [Etie] Great. Oh, this is going to be incredible! --- B --- [Etie] Lapis! How's that muscle-training device coming along? [Lapis] Oh! Hey, Etie! Good timing. I was just making some final adjustments. [Lapis] Introducing...the Muscle Maximizer Mark III! [Etie] Mark III? [Lapis] Yeah... It took a couple of tries to figure things out. [Lapis] This one definitely holds up though. It'll work your arms, chest, core, and back. [Etie] Wow, it's as good as I dreamed! So what's it gonna cost me? [Lapis] Don't worry about that. I built this out of sticks and spare parts, so there was no material cost. [Etie] Sticks and spare parts?! Unbelievable. [Etie] Well, I owe you for the labor at least. You've gotta let me pay you back somehow. [Etie] But first...you mind if I try it out? [Lapis] Go for it! [Etie] Ugh... Ugh... Yesss! [Etie] The resistance settings are perfect! I can tell you worked hard to get it just right. [Etie] This is exactly what I was hoping for! [Lapis] Yay! I'm so glad! [Etie] It's so good that I have to wonder if you're into bodybuilding yourself. [Lapis] Kinda, but nothing fancy. I just lift rocks...like that one. Or that big guy over there. [Etie] Those rocks? With your noodly arms? [Etie] How do you manage that? I can't picture it. [Etie] You'll have to tell me more about it sometime. I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends. [Lapis] Really? I mean, OK! I'd like that a lot. --- A --- [Etie] I meant to thank you for that thing you made. It's been great for my weight training. [Lapis] That's great, Etie. I'm glad you're enjoying it. [Lapis] I actually feel a little guilty. You gave me all of those Firenese tea leaves to pay me back. [Etie] Don't worry about it. Your Muscle Maximizer Mark III was worth the entire crateload. [Etie] By the way, what's that you're eating? Some kind of...potato? [Lapis] Ah! Th-these? Well, uh... [Lapis] OK. I'm actually from a small, country town in Brodia. We grow taters─er, potatoes there. [Lapis] Sometimes my parents send me dried sweet- potato slices from the farm. They're so good. [Etie] Dried potatoes? From a remote part of Brodia? Is that what I think it is? [Etie] The high-calorie, low-fat starch that's every musclehead's dream?! [Lapis] What? You've heard of these? [Etie] I had no idea where to find these things. I never thought they'd fall into my lap. [Lapis] Would you like to try one? [Etie] Are you kidding me? Yes! [Etie] Yum! [Etie] Just one delicious bite completely eased my muscle fatigue! [Etie] I might seriously cry, Lapis. [Lapis] Me too! I've never seen anyone else so in love with our homegrown potatoes! I had no idea. [Lapis] Here, take some more! I have so many. [Etie] Are you sure you don't mind?! [Lapis] I don't mind at all! [Etie] You're too nice. I owe you so much for all this. [Lapis] Well, in that case, may I train with you? [Lapis] I'm pretty strong, but I start to droop if a battle drags on and on. [Lapis] I'd love to build up my endurance. Maybe we could go for runs together? [Etie] We can do that, no problem. For you, I'd jog until my legs gave out. [Etie] We should try it with and without the potatoes to see if they make a difference! [Etie] Who knows what kind of heights we can reach together! --- S ---