=== Etie & Panette === --- C --- [Etie] Hey, Panette. How's it going? [Panette] Quite well, thank you. [Panette] You appear to be in good health yourself, Etie. [Etie] Yep. Good eye. [Etie] Hmm. [Etie] Hmm... Hmph. [Panette] Hm... Is something the matter? [Etie] Oh, sorry. I'm being rude. [Etie] Ahem. [Etie] Panette, your stylish fashion sense and refined speech are peerless. [Panette] Why, thank you. That is most kind. [Etie] There's just one problem. [Panette] Oh? [Etie] You're hiding something. [Panette] Whatever do you mean? I assure you, I am not. [Etie] You carry yourself like a noblewoman, but... you are not one. I smell a fake. [Panette] Why, that is...ludicrous! Slanderous, even! [Etie] So you won't admit it. Fine. [Etie] If being blunt won't work, I'll have to get sneaky. [Etie] See you around, Panette. [Panette] Good gracious. Where did that come from? --- B --- [Etie] Sorry in advance, Panette... [Etie] HYYYAH! [Panette] What the?! [Panette] Who's there?! [Panette] Whoever it is, you got three seconds to show yourself before I crack your skull! [Panette] Three... Two... One... [Etie] Cool it, will you?! It's me! [Panette] Huh?! [Panette] Etie? What the heck are you doing here? [Panette] I mean... Etie! Heh, how very unexpected! [Etie] Heh heh, got you, Panette. You went and showed your true colors. [Panette] Whatever do you mean? I was merely, uh... [Etie] Don't bother denying it. [Etie] All that hoity-toity stuff is just for show. Right then? That was the real you. [Etie] This noblewoman act is completely phony. [Panette] No! I already told you, that is simply not true! [Etie] What are you so upset about? I didn't mean it in a bad way. [Panette] How else could you possibly mean it? [Etie] I've got to run, but I'll explain some other time. Take care. [Panette] Um, all right. Farewell, then. --- A --- [Etie] Hey there, Panette. Sorry for ambushing you the other day. [Panette] I must say, you gave me quite a fright. [Etie] I didn't do it to be mean. [Etie] I just wanted to get past that front you put up. [Etie] And the reason I did it is because...in a sense, I'm the same way. [Panette] You mean...you are of common birth as well? [Panette] You were a wild, vulgar runaway who picked fights with anyone who crossed her path? [Etie] Not all of THAT, but... Here. Go ahead and feel my abs. [Panette] If you insist... [Panette] Good gracious me! [Panette] These are muscles?! It feels as if you are smuggling bullion in here. [Etie] Yeah. I work out. You know any other noblewomen with abs like these? [Panette] I suspect there's nary a one. [Etie] I might look like a lady, but deep down, I'll never be one. You've heard that too, I bet. [Panette] Yes, indeed I have. [Etie] I knew it! [Etie] I thought I was the only one in the world with this problem, but now there's two of us. [Etie] Maybe we can help each other out. [Panette] I would like that. [Panette] Haha, though its start was somewhat unusual, I think this will be a wonderful friendship. [Panette] Etie and Panette, the rampaging redheads! Heaven help any fool who crosses us! [Etie] I got you a gift! Since we're gonna be friends and all. [Panette] My, what gorgeous flowers! [Etie] They grow in my hometown. They're associated with eccentric ladies and true connections. [Etie] Seem fitting to mark the start of a friendship between two tough gals like us. [Panette] It is as though this breed of flower was made just for us. How very touching. [Etie] I think we'll have a lot to learn from each other. Don't you? [Panette] Certainly! To start, perhaps you can tell me how you managed that sneak attack. --- S ---