=== Framme & Kagetsu === --- C --- [Framme] "I am doing fine. How is everything at home?" [Kagetsu] Hello, Framme. Writing to someone, are you? [Framme] My parents. If I don't send them updates now and then, they get all worried. [Framme] Can you believe it? At my age? Are all parents like this? [Kagetsu] They are not. Your parents must cherish you. [Kagetsu] We feel concern for ones we love. So it is good your family feels concern for you. [Framme] Well...maybe a little. [Framme] You're from really far away, right? Letters from your family must be important to you. [Kagetsu] I would not say so. I have not received any. [Framme] Huh? Why not? [Kagetsu] They cannot write to me because I fled my home and did not say where I was going. [Kagetsu] But I think they would be too angry to write me letters even if they knew where to send them. [Framme] So, you haven't been home even once since you ran away? [Kagetsu] I have not. [Framme] That's awful! If I were your family, I'd be super worried about you. [Framme] Hey, I've got ink and paper here. You should write a letter to your family right now! [Framme] I'm sure they'd be thrilled to hear from you. [Kagetsu] Write to my family? No, no, absolutely not. [Framme] Aww... But it was such a good idea! [Kagetsu] It is kind of you to worry, but this is my burden to bear. [Kagetsu] I do appreciate your offer to help. Thank you, little friend! [Framme] "Little"?! --- B --- [Kagetsu] Hmm, no... This is not right... [Kagetsu] Perhaps if I... [Framme] Hellooo, Kagetsuuu! [Kagetsu] Ah! [Kagetsu] Framme! You...startled me. [Framme] Did you just hide something real quick? What were you doing in here? [Kagetsu] No. Absolutely not. I have never hidden things. [Framme] Wow, are you a terrible liar! If you're not hiding anything, you won't mind if I look around... [Kagetsu] No! Framme, do not look! [Framme] Hm? What's this paper? [Framme] Oh! Wait─is this a letter?! [Kagetsu] Yes. [Framme] Ah, I'm sorry! Here, take it back. I didn't read any of it! [Kagetsu] It is OK. I had not truly started, so there is almost nothing to read. [Framme] You're writing a letter after all? You were so against it before. [Kagetsu] I felt...compelled to take up pen and paper. [Kagetsu] Only now that I have, I do not know how to begin. I do not know what to write. [Framme] Oh, don't be silly! [Framme] Just tell them what's happened to you lately. They want to know you're still alive. [Framme] I'll help you out, if you want. Just write to them, OK? [Kagetsu] Framme...you are most kind. [Kagetsu] To concern yourself with me and my family in this way is exemplary. Thank you. [Kagetsu] With your support, I will face this blank page and roundly defeat it. --- A --- [Kagetsu] ... [Framme] Hey, Kagetsu. Why the long face? [Kagetsu] Hello, Framme. Ah, you mean to say that I appear sad. [Framme] Still no response to your letter? [Kagetsu] None indeed. [Kagetsu] It appears my family really has given up on me. [Framme] No! There was probably just some issue getting the letter delivered. [Kagetsu] Perhaps there was. Perhaps it is for the best. [Kagetsu] I do not know that I would be courageous enough to read their reply if I received one. [Framme] Hey, what happened to the guy who stared down a blank page and defeated it? [Framme] And there could still be a response on the way. It's too soon to give up. Have some faith! [Kagetsu] Faith, you say... [Framme] Just wait a bit longer, OK? And then we'll write a response together! [Kagetsu] You are right. I have been impatient. [Kagetsu] While we wait, perhaps you would show me what your parents wrote to you? [Framme] Huh? [Kagetsu] That letter there in your hand. Is that not what your parents sent to you? [Kagetsu] I am curious to see what your family has to say. Only if it is OK with you, of course. [Framme] Oh, uh, sure. It's probably just the usual stuff, anyway. [Framme] Let me just see what it's about first... Hmm... Mm-hmm... Ah! [Kagetsu] What has surprised you? Hmm, let me see... [Kagetsu] We heard from Vander... Stop goofing around... Train harder... [Kagetsu] They are scolding you! [Framme] AHH! Don't look at this one anymore! [Kagetsu] Hm. It appears I need to help you with your training. [Framme] No, you don't! [Kagetsu] You helped me write my letter. I owe this to you. [Kagetsu] It is simple reciprocity between friends. [Framme] I liked this better when it was about your problems... --- S ---