=== Jade & Lindon === --- C --- [Lindon] Ahh... HAA! [Jade] Sir Lindon? What are you doing? [Lindon] Ah, Jade! Hello. [Lindon] I was just baking some pastries with thunder magic. I prefer them to be a bit...thundercooked. [Lindon] Oh! My, my... [Lindon] What is that book you're holding, I wonder? [Lindon] I've read just about every book ever written, but I don't believe I recognize that cover. [Jade] I would be amazed if you had. [Jade] This is one of my novels. I wrote it myself. [Lindon] Oh, my stars! How wonderful! Please, you must let me read it. [Jade] You want to read my book? I'll warn you, it's a bit lighter in tone than you might prefer... [Lindon] So it's a comedy, eh? I see, I see. Well...that only deepens my interest. [Lindon] I could do with a refreshing rise in tone. Is there any way I could convince you to let me read it? [Lindon] What if I baked some pastries for you? Would that help to seal the deal? [Jade] No need for that, though I appreciate the offer. I would be honored just to hear your thoughts. [Jade] Unless you don't care for it, that is. Then we'll both pretend we never had this conversation. [Lindon] Ah! So you will let me read it? Thank you, Jade! --- B --- [Lindon] My goodness, Jade! I do believe I nearly busted a gut with laughter, as the saying goes. [Lindon] It's clear that you have a considerable talent for writing comedies. [Jade] That's high praise. Thank you, Sir Lindon. [Lindon] Your characters have so much life in them... They practically leap off the page! [Lindon] How many of them are based on real people? A few of our mutual friends did come to mind... [Jade] I may have slipped in a few parallels to certain persons, living or dead. [Lindon] You have a keen eye for observation and a skill for capturing them on the page... [Lindon] It was a magnificent novel, truly. I thank you again for sharing your passion with me. [Jade] Of course. Thank you so much for reading it. [Lindon] I have a bit of that fire myself, truth be told. I've chronicled my early years in a book of my own. [Jade] You have? [Lindon] Indeed. I haven't mentioned it to many people. [Jade] I would love to read it, if you wouldn't mind sharing. [Lindon] Hohoho, wonderful! I hoped you might. [Lindon] What a thrill it is, having a fellow writer among our ranks. I can hardly contain myself! [Lindon] If and when you have the time, we should compare our lists of favorite comedies. [Jade] Yes, please! I would love that! [Lindon] What a fortuitous meeting this has been. And here I thought nothing could surprise me... --- A --- [Lindon] This was quite a welcome surprise, Jade! [Lindon] I had hardly put your last chapter down before you presented me with this new one. [Jade] Well, now that you're reading my early drafts, each editing pass goes much more smoothly. [Lindon] Ah, of course. [Jade] So? What did you think? Don't make me beg. Because I will. [Lindon] It was...magnificent. [Lindon] I enjoyed this chapter even more than the last. [Jade] Ahh, that's such a relief to hear. [Lindon] Especially that new fellow who debuts in this chapter! What a pleasant addition he was. [Lindon] He laughed, he cried... He felt truly alive! He might be my new favorite character of yours. [Lindon] I must admit, I felt a certain kinship toward him. [Jade] I'm glad to hear that. [Jade] I hope you don't think it too presumptuous of me, but I did model that character after you. [Lindon] Aha! I had a hunch! What a wonderful feeling, to laugh along with your fictional counterpart. [Lindon] I now take his potent zest for life as the highest of compliments. [Lindon] Again, thank you for letting me read your marvelous book, Jade. [Jade] The honor is entirely mine, I promise. [Lindon] I think I'll bake some pastries to thank you. You will have some, yes? [Jade] Glowing praise and warm pastries? Twist my arm, why don't you. --- S ---