=== Alear & Amber === --- C --- [Amber] ... [Alear] Huh? [Amber] Oh. Hey, Divine One! [Alear] Good evening, Amber. Did you hear those weird sounds just now? Was that you? [Amber] Sure was. I was calling out to my old alpaca friends back in my hometown. [Alear] Say again? [Amber] My hometown is a quaint little alpaca hamlet. I grew up surrounded by them! [Amber] Sometimes I get a little homesick and miss my fuzzy friends on the ranch... [Amber] On my loneliest nights, I come out here, look up at the starry sky, and call to them. [Alear] Ooh, so that's what that sound was... [Amber] Those were the cries of an alpaca! I'm calling out to them in their language. [Alear] Their...language? [Amber] I know. I know. It sounds crazy. There's no way they can hear me from so far away... [Amber] But this is how I get the sads out! When I call to them, it feels like they're right by my side. [Alear] I don't think that's crazy. I'm sure your feelings are getting back to them somehow, Amber. [Amber] Aw! Thanks, Divine One. You're so nice! --- B --- [Amber] ... [Alear] Hello, Amber. Were you talking to the alpacas back home again? [Amber] Hey, Divine One! I sure was. [Alear] May I ask what you said to them just now? [Amber] Oh. I said, "How's it going, fellas?" [Alear] That's how you say that? Er, in the language of the alpacas? [Amber] Totally. If I'd asked that back on the ranch, they'd have answered right away. [Alear] Really?! That's pretty cute! [Amber] Yeah! It is! It's super cute! [Amber] I never imagined I'd end up shouting back to them from so far away. [Amber] Truth is, I didn't like my hometown very much. Middle of nowhere, nothing cool for miles... [Amber] All I could think about was getting out of there. "Someday I'll leave this sty and become a hero!" [Amber] Now that I've become a retainer, I've started to miss home a lot more. I get kinda lonely... [Amber] Aw, shoot. Sorry. I didn't mean to whine. [Alear] It's OK. I'm here to listen. If you're lonely, I can stay with you for a while. [Alear] I just hope I can be as fun to talk to as your alpaca friends back home. [Amber] Are you kidding? I'd love to keep talking! [Amber] I can even teach you some more of the alpaca language if you want. [Alear] Sounds like fun. --- A --- [Amber] ... [Alear] Don't tell me... Was that, "I'm sad, and I wish I could see you all again"? [Amber] D-Divine One?! When did you get here? How did you know what I was saying? [Alear] I've heard you chatting with them a lot. I guess I'm picking up some of the language. [Amber] For real?! Whoa. [Alear] Whoa! [Amber] Yeah! Whoa! Wait, what was your whoa for? [Alear] You didn't hear that just now? It sounded like the far-off cry of a real alpaca! [Amber] Aww, I missed it! What did they say? [Alear] I can't believe I'm saying this, but...I think they said, "We'll visit when we have a free weekend." [Amber] Really?! Aww! Those lovable furballs! I need to reply! Let me think... [Amber] ... [Alear] "Don't worry, friends. You're welcome to visit at any time..." [Amber] ... [Alear] "But the Divine One is here, so I'm doing OK. Take care of yourselves." Did I get that right? [Amber] Yeah! That's exactly what I said! [Amber] Incredible. It's like you're a native speaker! You really have the ears of an alpaca. [Alear] I'm honored to hear that. [Amber] This is great. Spending time with you makes me feel like I'm right back on the ranch. [Alear] Oh? So I remind you of a farm animal? [Amber] Huh? No! That's not what I meant! Sorry, that came out wrong. [Alear] It's OK, Amber. I'm glad you feel that way. I don't want a friend like you to feel lonely. [Amber] Whoa! Such intense kindness! Thanks, DD. You're the best. [Alear] ... [Amber] Hmm... Let me guess. "You're welcome"? [Alear] You got it! --- S --- [Amber] Here's my hometown...aaand this one is of my family's alpaca ranch back home... [Amber] You can probably guess this next one. Here's a hint: it's an alpaca! [Alear] I never knew you were so good at drawing, Amber. These illustrations are amazing. [Amber] Aw, thanks! [Alear] Looking through these is making me feel a little jealous. [Alear] It's clear you love and miss your hometown. I can't even remember where my home is... [Amber] Divine One... [Amber] ... [Amber] Your home is right here. [Alear] What? Right where? [Amber] Right here beside me! [Alear] Huh?! [Amber] Listen, Divine One! If you're a legendary sword, I'll be the legendary sheath that protects you! [Amber] If a battle leaves you dinged and scratched, I'll do everything I can to cover and heal you! [Amber] And I'll always carry you back home...safe and sound, a thousand times over. [Alear] Amber... [Alear] No. That won't do. I'm happy you feel this way, but I... [Amber] Y-you're right, Divine One. Sorry. That was way out of line, huh? Aw, man... [Alear] No! That's not what I meant. If I'm a sword, then so are you. We're fighting together! [Amber] Whoa... [Alear] You dream of being a legendary hero, right? Well, I want to help you realize that dream! [Amber] Divine One, I... [Alear] I want you to wear the Pact Ring, Amber. Will you do that for me? [Alear] All I need is a promise that you'll be a sword by my side. [Amber] Yeah! I mean, yes! If that's your condition, then count me in! [Alear] Let's build a peaceful world together, Amber. [Alear] And then, someday...I want to visit your alpaca ranch back home. [Amber] Of course! My hometown is your hometown. [Amber] Thank you, Divine One. I'm so overwhelmed right now. I don't know what to say... [Amber] Oh! I should let the alpacas back home know about this! They'll be thrilled! [Amber] ... [Alear] Uh... That sounds like it might take a while. Save it for later! I want to be part of that too. [Alear] Besides, I'd rather have you present in this moment for just a bit longer, you know? [Amber] Oh! Sure thing, Divine Dragon ! [Amber] We're twin blades now, bound together forever! Even if you regret it later! Which you won't!