=== Pandreo & Veyle === --- C --- [Pandreo] Lady Veyle, can I have a moment? [Veyle] Yes, of course. [Pandreo] As a man of the church, I worship the Divine Dragon. [Pandreo] So I was wondering... Can I pray to you too? [Veyle] Oh, um... [Veyle] I don't think that's a good idea. [Pandreo] Why not? You're a dragon, aren't you? [Pandreo] Dragons are sacred creatures. It's natural for humans to worship them. [Veyle] Yes, I understand. But I'm not a Divine Dragon. I'm a Fell Dragon. [Veyle] As a cleric who worships the Divine Dragon, wouldn't it be...wrong for you to worship me? [Pandreo] Divine Dragon, Fell Dragon... A distinction without a difference. [Veyle] But you must know what I've done. [Veyle] Your fellow worshippers would turn on you if you started praying to someone like me. [Pandreo] No. Solm is an open-minded queendom. [Pandreo] When they see me praying to you, others will follow suit. Just you watch. [Veyle] Oh, I─ I don't think that's a good idea. [Pandreo] You're overthinking it. Trust me on this. [Veyle] But...what if you're wrong? --- B --- [Veyle] Um, Pandreo? [Pandreo] Hey, is something the matter? [Veyle] I don't understand. How did I end up with all this food? [Pandreo] Let's see...vegetables, wheat, meat, fish. That's quite a haul you've got. [Veyle] There's so much, I don't even know what to do with it all! [Veyle] Why is everyone sending me these gifts? [Pandreo] They're not gifts exactly. They're offerings. People's way of expressing their faith in you. [Veyle] I understand that the people who live in the queendom of Solm are quite free-spirited... [Veyle] But why are you...why is everyone...being so kind to me? [Veyle] It's just...it doesn't make sense. [Pandreo] Well, as angry and vengeful as humans can be, they can also be compassionate, forgiving. [Pandreo] Many people, in Solm and beyond, recognize that you've changed for the better. [Pandreo] I'm sure if they met you in person, they would show you nothing but kindness. [Veyle] They would? Really? [Veyle] If that's how it is, I suppose I'd like to give something back to everyone. [Veyle] They've given me the gift of happiness, and I want to repay them. [Pandreo] I like it. What did you have in mind? --- A --- [Pandreo] AROOO! Who's ready to get their howl on?! [Veyle] Awoo... [Pandreo] Louder, Lady Veyle! [Veyle] I─ I'm a bit embarrassed. [Pandreo] This party was your idea! You wanted to give something back, remember? [Pandreo] If you want folks to let loose, you've got to lead by example. [Veyle] Yes, you're right. [Veyle] I wanted to show everyone how grateful I am, and you made this party happen. So here goes... [Veyle] Awoo! Thank you so much for coming everyone! [Veyle] You gave me gifts─and the gift of happiness! In return, I hope you enjoy this celebration! [Veyle] ... [Pandreo] Looks like folks are clearing out. Time for us to clean up. [Veyle] I had...so much...fun. [Pandreo] Hm? [Veyle] The party...it was amazing. [Veyle] Everyone was so nice to me, and you wouldn't believe all the good conversations I had. [Veyle] I felt like I was dreaming. [Pandreo] I told you, didn't I? They know that you've changed. [Veyle] I wonder if some people still distrust me. You know, deep down. [Veyle] But at least they got to know the new me a little bit. The real me. [Veyle] Pandreo, I don't want this day to end. [Pandreo] No need to worry. We can have another bash. [Veyle] Oh good! [Pandreo] Though of course, we wouldn't want people to think you don't take the war seriously. [Pandreo] I suggest holding off on any more parties until the world is at peace. [Veyle] Of course. You're right. [Pandreo] Meanwhile, you can depend on me. You're easily one of my favorite dragons, after all. [Veyle] Thank you, Pandreo, for everything you've done. [Veyle] I will do my best to bring peace to our world. That would truly be something to celebrate. --- S ---