=== Paralogue The Instructor === (Sacred Tomb) A place of significance to Emblem Byleth. Here, the Divine Dragon will face an important trial. --- OP --- [Alear] What is that? In the back there. Is that... a throne? [Byleth] This resembles the Holy Tomb. That's a place from my world. [Alear] What is the Holy Tomb? [Byleth] It's where the goddess Sothis sleeps. For the Church of Seiros, this is the holiest place of all. [Byleth] To ensure the safety of the tomb, a monastery was built atop it. [Alear] OK... So, why is it here? [Byleth] Only a very few know the legend of Saint Seiros and the Holy Tomb. [Byleth] Saint Seiros received power and revelation from the goddess and, with it, a sacred duty. [Byleth] She was to save the people of Fódlan, and use her power wisely in order to lead them. [Byleth] Perhaps it's inevitable that we'd be guided here. [Alear] Why do you say that? [Byleth] If the bond between us is to further strengthen, then you must face a trial here. [Alear] I see. And you want me to fight you, Byleth? [Byleth] Show me whether you can wisely use the power you've gained on your journey so far. [Alear] Understood. [Byleth] In your eyes, I see no hesitation. Good. Ready yourself! [Alear] I'm ready. And I won't hold anything back! --- ED --- [Alear] I managed to win...somehow. [Byleth] Well done. Your fighting was magnificent. The trial is passed. [Alear] I learned so much battling you. [Byleth] Thank you, but your skills were quite strong even before we met. [Alear] Still, you've taught me so many things. [Alear] You're an excellent teacher, Byleth. [Byleth] That's kind of you to say. Though it helps that you have such raw skill already. [Byleth] All I need do is listen and give a little nudge to those embarking on a path. [Byleth] Your success here is the direct result of all the choices you've made before today. [Alear] I've always understood that one choice leads to another, but... [Alear] I'm worried what might happen if I ever make the wrong choice... [Byleth] You needn't worry at all. By passing this trial, you've shown the truth of who you are. [Byleth] And you have your allies to set you right... should you ever begin to stray. [Byleth] Remember, I will always be by your side as well. To the very end. [Alear] Thank you. I'll continue on my path, trusting my allies to help me along the way. [Byleth] You've clearly learned all you need to here. Shall we continue on our journey? --- EV --- [Byleth] To win the fight, keep your eyes wide. Always know where your enemies are. [Alear] What are those things scattered around the battlefield? [Byleth] Those are my targets, and I will destroy them... Unless you can prevent me from doing so. [Alear] I'll guard them well! --- MOVIE --- --- BT --- [Byleth] Depending on the wielder, power can be used for good or evil with equal ease. [Byleth] That's why the heart of the one controlling the power is important. [Alear] The heart. That would mean... [Alear] My heart determines how the power is used... All right, Byleth. I'm ready! [Hortensia] I've gotta say it feels a little weird to fight someone who's supposed to be an ally. [Byleth] Just because we're fighting doesn't make us enemies. Not this time. [Byleth] We're still friends. But for now, prepare for battle. [Hortensia] OK. I've got no choice but to fight? Let's do it. --- DIE ---